Dr Rohit Chakraborty
Affiliation: DST INSPIRE Faculty at the Divecha Centre for Climate Change.
Previously: Raman PostDoctoral Fellow at the Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Jerry B Samuel
Affiliation: PhD Student
Thesis Topic: Land-atmosphere Interaction
Priyanshi Singhai
Affiliation: PhD Student
Thesis Topic: Seasonal Prediction and Teleconnection
Previous Degree from IISc: M.Tech.
Dr. Chetankumar Jalihal [PhD]
Dr. Akshaya C Nikumbh [PhD]
Dr. Surajit Das [MSc (Engg), PhD]
(Along with Prof Debasis Sengupta)
Thesis Topic: Tropical intraseasonal oscillations in idealized framework
- Das, S., D. Sengupta, and Arindam Chakraborty, 2019: The Madden‐Julian oscillation in an aquaplanet‐like general circulation model with and without continents. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11, 1459–1476. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018MS001455
- Das S, D Sengupta, Arindam Chakraborty, J Sukhatme, R Murtugudde, 2016: Low-frequency intraseasonal variability in a zonally symmetric aquaplanet model. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. 2016 Dec 1;128(6):697-713.
Dr. Gaurav Srivastava [PhD, PostDoctoral Fellow]
(Along with Prof RS Nanjundiah)
- Srivastava, G., Arindam Chakraborty, Ravi S. Nanjundiah, 2020: Multidecadal variations in ENSO-Indian summer monsoon relationship at sub-seasonal timescales, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, doi:
- Srivastava, G, Arindam Chakraborty, and R.S. Nanjundiah, 2019: Multidecadal see-saw of the impact of ENSO on Indian and West African summer monsoon rainfall. Climate Dynamics 52.11, 6633-6649. [Bibtex Citation]
Dr. Deepesh K Jain [MTech, PhD]
(Along with Prof RS Nanjundiah)
- Jain, D., Arindam Chakraborty, and R.S. Nanjundaiah, 2018: A Mechanism for the Southward Propagation of Mesoscale Convective Systems Over the Bay of Bengal. Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmospheres), 123, 3893-3913, doi:10.1002/2017JD027470.
- Jain, D. K., Arindam Chakraborty, and R S Nanjundiah, 2013: Role of the cloud adjustment time scale in simulation of the interannual variability of Indian summer monsoon, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 122:159-173. [PDF]
- Jain, D. K., Arindam Chakraborty, and R S Nanjundiah, 2012: On the role of cloud adjustment time scale in simulating precipitation with Relaxed Arakawa?~@~SSchubert convection scheme, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 115, 1-13. [PDF]
Dr. PV Arushi [PhD]
(Along with Prof RS Nanjundiah)
- Arushi, PV, Arindam Chakraborty, and RS Nanjundiah 2020: Recent Weakening in MJO Related Convective Activity over the Equatorial Indian Ocean and Maritime Continent, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, DOI: 10.1007/s00704-020-03423-w.
- Arushi PV, Arindam Chakraborty, and R.S. Nanjundiah, 2017: Orographic control of the Bay of Bengal cold pool rainfall. Journal of Earth System Science, 126, 111, doi:10.1007/s12040-017-0892-1.
Dr. Shubhi Agrawal [PhD]
- Agrawal, S., and Arindam Chakraborty, 2020: Evaluation of ESACCI satellite soil moisture product using in-situ observations over India, Journal of Earth System Science, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12040-020-01384-2
- Agrawal, S., Arindam Chakraborty, N. Karmakar, Simon Moulds, Ana Mijic and Wouter Buytaert, 2019: Effects of winter and summer-time irrigation over Gangetic Plain on the mean and intra-seasonal variability of Indian summer monsoon, Climate Dynamics, 53: 3147. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-019-04691-7
- Chakraborty, Arindam, and S. Agrawal, 2017:Role of west Asian surface pressure in summer monsoon onset over central India. Environmental Research Letters, 12, 074002.
- Agrawal, S., and Arindam Chakraborty, 2016: Role of surface hydrology in determining the seasonal cycle of Indian summer monsoon in a general circulation model. Hydrology Earth Syst Sci Discuss, 1-33, doi:10.5194/hess-2016-591 [PDF]
Dr. Nirupam Karmakar [PhD]
Dr. Anwesa Bhattacharya [PhD]
(Along with Prof V Venugopal)
- Bhattacharya, A, Arindam Chakraborty, and V. Venugopal, 2017: Role of aerosols in modulating cloud properties during active-break cycle of Indian summer monsoon. Climate Dynamics, 49(5-6), 2131-2145.
- Bhattacharya, A., Arindam Chakraborty and V Venugopal, 2014: Variability of cloud liquid water and ice over South Asia from TMI estimates, Climate Dynamics, DOI 10.1007/s00382-013-1978-3. [PDF]
Suryadev Pratap Singh [MTech]
Gautam K Suman [Undergraduate Program]
Farhan Jamil [MTech]
Rohit Ghosh [MSc (Engg)]
(Along with Prof RS Nanjundiah)
Prabhat K Thakur [MTech]
(Along with Prof RS Nanjundiah)
Dr. Bohar Singh [MTech]