Prof. Arindam Chakraborty
, Indian Institute of Science
Home Page
Publications: Forecast/Prediction Skill
Rajendran, K., Surendran, S., Varghese, S.J. and Arindam Chakraborty, 2021:
Do seasonal forecasts of Indian summer monsoon rainfall show better skill with February initial conditions?
Current Science
, 120 (12) 1863-1874
Singhai, P., Shibin Balakrishnan, E. N. Rajagopal, Arindam Chakraborty, 2020:
Phase inconsistency as a major source of error in NGFS forecast
Climate Dynamics
Chakraborty, A., 2010:
The Skill of ECMWF Medium Range Forecasts During the Year of Tropical Convection 2008
, Monthly Weather Review, 138, 3787-3805. [
Krishnamurti, T. N., Arindam Chakraborty, and A. K. Mishra, 2010:
Improving multimodel forecasts of the vertical distribution of heating using the TRMM profiles
, J. Climate, 23, 1089-1094. [
Krishnamurti, T. N., R. Krishnamurti, A. D. Sagadevan, Arindam Chakraborty, W. K. Dewar, C. A. Clayson, and J. F. Tull, 2009:
Space-time stuctures of earthquakes
, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 105, 69-83. [
Chakraborty, A., and T. N. Krishnamurti, 2009:
Improving global model precipitation forecasts over India from downscaling and FSU superensemble. Part II: Seasonal climate
, Monthly Weather Review, 137, 2736-2757. [
Krishnamurti, T. N., A. K. Mishra, Arindam Chakraborty, and M. Rajeevan, 2009:
Improving Global Model Precipitation Forecasts over India Using Downscaling and the FSU Superensemble. Part I: 1–5-Day Forecasts
, Monthly Weather Review, 137, 2713-2735. [
Krishnamurti, T. N., A. D. Sagadevan, Arindam Chakraborty, A. K. Mishra, A. Simon, and S-H Chen, 2009:
Improving Multimodel Forecast of Monsoon Weather over China using FSU Superensemble
, Advances in Atmospheric Sciencese, 26, 813-839. [
Chakraborty, A., and T. N. Krishnamurti, 2008:
Improved forecasts of diurnal cycle in tropics using multiple global models. Part II: Asian Summer Monsoon,
Journal of Climate, 21, 4045–4067. [
Krishnamurti, T. N., C. Gnanaseelan, A. K. Mishra and Arindam Chakraborty, 2008:
Improved Forecasts of Diurnal Cycle in Tropics Using Multiple Global Models. Part I: Precipitation
, Journal of Climate, 21, 4029–4043. [
] [
Bibtex Citation
Chakraborty, A., T. N. Krishnamurti and C. Gnanaseelan, 2007:
Prediction of the Diurnal Cycle using a Multimodel Superensemble. Part II: Clouds
, Monthly Weather Review, 135, 4097-4116. [
] [
Bibtex Citation
Krishnamurti, T. N., C. Gnanaseelan, and Arindam Chakraborty, 2007:
Prediction of the Diurnal Cycle using a Multimodel Superensemble. Part I: Precipitation
, Monthly Weather Review, 135, 3613-3632. [
] [
Bibtex Citation
Ross, R. S., Arindam Chakraborty, Anthony Chen, L. Stefanova, S. Sirdas and T. N. Krishnamurti, 2007:
Improved Seasonal Climate Forecasts for the Caribbean Region using a Multi-Model Superensemble
, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, doi: 10.1007/s00703-006-0234-3. [
] [
Bibtex Citation
Sirdas, S., Robert S. Ross, T. N. Krishnamurti and Arindam Chakraborty, 2007:
Evaluation of the FSU Synthetic Superensemble Performance for Seasonal Forecasts over the Euro-Mediterranean Region
, Tellus-A, 59, 50-70. [
] [
Bibtex Citation
Krishnamurti, T. N., Arindam Chakraborty, R. Krishnamurti, W. K. Dewar, C. A. Clayson, 2006:
Seasonal Prediction of Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies Using a Suite of 13 Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Models
, Journal of Climate, 19, 6069-6088 [
] [
Bibtex Citation
Chakraborty, A., T. N. Krishnamurti, 2006:
Improved Seasonal Climate Forecasts of the South Asian Summer Monsoon Using a Suite of 13 Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Models
, Monthly Weather Review, 134, 1697-1721. [
] [
Bibtex Citation