Prof. Arindam Chakraborty
, Indian Institute of Science
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Publications: Monsoon and Global Teleconnection
Singhai, P., Arindam Chakraborty, K Jana, K Rajendran, S Surendran, K Pegion, 2024:
The curious case of a strong relationship between ENSO and Indian summer monsoon in CFSv2 model
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans
Shikhar Srivastava, Arindam Chakraborty, and Raghu Murtugudde, 2024:
Decadal preference of seasonal ENSO transition through a southern hemisphere climate mode
Environmental Research Letters
19 (6)
DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad4bf7
Singhai, P, A. Chakraborty, K Rajendran, and S Surendran, 2023:
Why is the Indian summer monsoon in CFSv2 hypersensitive to moisture exchange with the Pacific Ocean?
Climate Dynamics
, DOI:
Vishnu, S., Arindam Chakraborty, and J. Srinivasan, 2022:
Why the Droughts of the Indian Summer Monsoon are more Severe than the Floods
Climate Dynamics
, DOI:
Chakraborty, Arindam and Priyanshi Singhai, 2021:
Asymmetric response of the Indian summer monsoon to positive and negative phases of major tropical climate patterns
Scientific Reports
, DOI:
Srivastava, G., Arindam Chakraborty, Ravi S. Nanjundiah, 2020:
Multidecadal variations in ENSO-Indian summer monsoon relationship at sub-seasonal timescales
Theoretical and Applied Climatology
, doi:
Karmakar, N, Arindam Chakraborty, and Ravi S. Nanjundiah, 2019:
Influence of global sea surface temperature on ultra‐low frequency variability in the Indian summer monsoon rainfall
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
Chakraborty, Arindam, 2019:
Zonally symmetric vs asymmetric North Pacific Ocean sea surface temperature influence on Indian summer monsoon through modulation of upper tropospheric circulation
, 70, 4 (October 2019), 753-766 [
Agrawal, S., Arindam Chakraborty, N. Karmakar, Simon Moulds, Ana Mijic and Wouter Buytaert, 2019:
Effects of winter and summer-time irrigation over Gangetic Plain on the mean and intra-seasonal variability of Indian summer monsoon
Climate Dynamics
, 53: 3147.
Srivastava, G, Arindam Chakraborty, and R.S. Nanjundiah, 2019:
Multidecadal see-saw of the impact of ENSO on Indian and West African summer monsoon rainfall.
Climate Dynamics 52.11, 6633-6649. [
Bibtex Citation
Shawki, D, A. Voulgarakis, Arindam Chakraborty, M. Kasoar, and J. Srinivasan, 2018:
The South Asian Monsoon Response to Remote Aerosols: Global and Regional Mechanisms.
Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmospheres), doi:10.1029/2018jd028623.
Chakraborty, Arindam, 2018:
Preceding winter La Niña reduces Indian summer monsoon rainfall.
Environmental Research Letters, 13, 054030, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aabdd5.
Ghosh, R., Arindam Chakraborty, and R.S. Nanjundiah, 2018:
Relative role of pre-monsoon conditions and intraseasonal oscillations in determining early-vs-late Indian monsoon intensity in a GCM.
Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 131, 319–333, doi:10.1007/s00704-016-1970-z.
Chakraborty, Arindam, and S. Agrawal, 2017:
Role of west Asian surface pressure in summer monsoon onset over central India.
Environmental Research Letters, 12, 074002.
Agrawal, S., and Arindam Chakraborty, 2016:
Role of surface hydrology in determining the seasonal cycle of Indian summer monsoon in a general circulation model.
Hydrology Earth Syst Sci Discuss, 1-33, doi:10.5194/hess-2016-591 [
Meehl, Gerald A., Julie M. Arblaster, Julie M. Caron, H. Annamalai, Markus Jochum, Arindam Chakraborty, Raghu Murtugudde, 2012:
Monsoon Regimes and Processes in CCSM4. Part I: The Asian–Australian Monsoon
. J. Climate, 25, 2583–2608. [