Faculty Profile
Important Publications
- Akshaya C. Nikumbh, Arindam Chakraborty & G. S. Bhat (2019). Recent spatial aggregation tendency of rainfall extremes over India. Scientific Reports, 9:10321, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-46719-2.
- Jayesh Phadtare & G. S. Bhat (2019). Characteristics of deep cloud-systems under weak and strong synoptic forcing during Indian summer monsoon season. Mon. Wea. Rev. DOI: 10.1175/MWR-D-18-0346.1.
- Fletcher, J., Parker, D. J., Turner, A. Menon A Martin, G. M., Birch, C. E., Mitra, A. K., Mrudula, G., Hunt, K. Taylor, C. M., Houze, R. A., Brodzik, S. R. and Bhat, G. S. (2018) The dynamic and thermodynamic structure of the monsoon over southern India: new observations from the INCOMPASS IOP. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. ISSN 1477-870X (In Press).
- Kapil Dev Sindhu and G. S. Bhat, 2018: Characteristics of monsoonal precipitating cloud systems over the Indian subcontinent derived from weather radar data. Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society. doi: 10.1002/qj.3328.
- P. N. Vinayachandran, A. J. Mathews, K Vijay Kumar, A. Sanchez-Franks, V. Thushara, J. George, V. Vijith, B. G. M. Webber, Bastien Y. Queste, R. Roy, A.Sarkar, D. B. Baranowski, G. S. Bhat, N. P. Klingaman, S. C. Peatman, C. Parida, B. King, E. C. Kent, A. A. Nayak, C. P. Neema, P. Amol, A. Lotliker, A. Kankonkar, D. G. Gracias, S. Vernekar, A. C. D.Souza, G. Valluvan, S. M. Pargaonkar, K. Dinesh, 2018: BoBBLE (Bay of Bengal Boundary Layer Experiment): Ocean-atmosphere interaction and its impact on the South Asian monsoon. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0230.1.
- Shailendra Kumar and G. S. Bhat, 2017: Vertical structure of orographic precipitating clouds observed over South Asia during the summer monsoon season. J. Earth System Sic. 126:114, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12040-017-0897-9
- Winter fog experiment over the Indo-Gangetic plains of India. Ghude, Sachin D.; Bhat, G. S.; Thara Prabhakaran; Jenamani, R. K.;et al. 2017: Current Science, 112, 767-784.
- G S Bhat and H J S Fernando, 2016: Remotely driven anomalous sea-air heat flux over the North Indian Ocean during the Summer Monsoon season.Oceanography, 29, 232-241
- Shailendra Kumar, G. S. Bhat 2016: Vertical profiles of radar reflectivity factor in intense convective clouds in the tropics. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatology, 55,1277-1286
- Wijesekera, H., E. Shroyer, A. Tandon, M. Ravichandran, D. Sengupta, S.Jinadasa, H. Fernando, N. Agrawal, K. Arulananthan, G. S. Bhat, M. Baumgartner,J. Buckley, L. Centurioni, P. Conry, J. Farrar, A. Gordon, V. Hormann, E. Jarosz, T. Jensen, S. Johnston, M. Lankhorst, C. Lee, L. Leo, I. Lozovatsky, A. Lucas, J.Mackinnon, A. Mahadevan, J. Nash, M. Omand, H. Pham, R. Pinkel, L. Rainville, S. Ramachandran, D. Rudnick, S. Sarkar, U. Send, R. Sharma, H. Simmons, K.Stafford, L. St. Laurent, K. Venayagamoorthy, R. Venkatesan, W. Teague, D.Atmosphere Initiative for Bay of Bengal. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00197.1.
- G. S. Bhat and Shailendra Kumar, 2015:: Vertical structure of cumulonimbus towers and intense convective clouds over the South Asian region during the summer monsoon season, JGR (Atmos)
120, 1710–1722, doi:10.1002/2014JD022552.
- G.S. Bhat and R. Jagannathan, 2012: Moisture depletion in the surface layer in response to an annular solar eclipse. J. Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 80, 60–67.
- R. Narasimhaa, S. S. Diwana, S. Duvvuria, K. R. Sreenivasa and G. S. Bhat, 2011: Laboratory simulations show diabatic heating drives cumulus-cloud evolution and entrainment. PNAS, doi/10.1073/pnas.1112281108.
- Bhat,G. S., Prashanth L. Rao and V. G. Sangolli, 2010: Atmospheric Boundary-Layer across Hadley and Ferrel Cells over the Indian Ocean. Current Science, 99, 1378-1383.
- L. Kiranmayi and G. S. Bhat, 2009: Quasi-periodic, global oscillations in sea level pressure on intraseasonal timescales, Climate Dynamics, DOI 10.1007/s00382-008-0413-7.
- Bhat G. S. and Arunchandra S.C., 2008: Energy Budget over a Land Surface during the Summer Monsoon. J. Earth System Sci. 117, 911–923.
- G. S. Bhat and R. Narasimha, 2007: Indian summer monsoon experiments, Current Science, 93, 153-164.
- G. S. Bhat 2006: The Indian drought of 2002: a subseasonal phenomenon?, Q. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 132, 2583-2602.
- G. S. Bhat 2006: Near surface temperature inversion over the Arabian Sea due to natural aerosols. Geophys. Res.Lett.. 33, L02802, doi:10.1029/2005GL024157.
- G. S. Bhat, 2005: Convection inhibition energy of the inversion and the suppressed rainfall over the Arabian Sea during July 2002. Mausam (ARMEX Special Issue), 56, 89-96.
- G. S. Bhat, G. A. Vecchi and S. Gadgil, 2004: Sea Surface Temperature of the Bay of Bengal derived from TRMM Microwave Imager. J. Atmos. Ocean Tech. 21, .1283-1290.
- Bhat, G. S., 2003: Measurement of air-sea fluxes over the Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal. J. Climate, 16, 767-775.
- Bhat, G. S., 2002: Near surface variations and surface fluxes over the North Bay of Bengal during the 1999 Indian Summer Monsoon. J. Geophys. Res., Atmospheres, 107, 4336, 10.1029/2001JD000382.
- Bhat G. S, S. Gadgil, P. V. Harish Kumar, S. R. Kalsi, Madhusoodanan, V. S. N. Murty, C. V. K. Prasada Rao, V. Ramesh Babu, L. V. G. Rao, R. R. Rao, M. Ravichandran, K. G. Reddy, P. Sanjeeva Rao, D. Sengupta, D. R. Sikka, J. Swain, P. N. Vinayachandran, 2001: BOBMEX - the Bay of Bengal Monsoon Experiment. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 82, 2217-2243.
- Gambheer, A. V., and G. S. Bhat, 2001: Diurnal variation of deep cloud systems over the Indian region using INSAT-1B pixel data. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys. 78, 215-225.
- Gambheer , A. V. and G. S. Bhat, 2000: Life Cycle characteristics of deep cloud systems over the Indian Region Using INSAT-1B Pixel Data. Mon. Wea. Rev., 128, 4071-4083.
- Venkatakrishnan, L., G. S. Bhat and R. Narasimha, 1999: Experiments on a plume with off-source heating: Implications for cloud fluid dynamics. J. Geophys. Res., 104D, 14271-14281.
- Bhat, G. S., 1998: The dependence of deep cloud mass flux and area cover on convective and large-scale processes. J. Atmos. Sci., 55, 2993-2999.
- Bhat, G S and R Narasimha, 1996: A volumetrically heated jet: Large eddy structure and entrainment characteristics. J. Fluid Mech. 325, 303-330
- Bhat, G S, J Srinivasan and Sulochana Gadgil, 1996: Tropical deep convection, convective available potential energy and sea surface temperature. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 74,155-166.