AGU advisory board member, Ethical Framework for Climate Intervention Research, 2023
Jury Member, Frontier Planet Prize 2023
Commissioner, Earth Commission , Future Earth (Sept 2019-Present)
Co-Chair, Earth and Human System Model Intercomparision Project (EHSMIP) , Working Group 1, A modeling working group under the Earth Commission, Future Earth, March 2020 Present
Editorial board member - Environmental Research Letters Review (an Institute of Physics Journal) - 2016-2021
Executive Editorial board member - Environmental Research Letters Review (an Institute of Physics Journal) - 2021-2022
Editor, Earth System Dynamics (A journal of the European Geophysical Union), 2010-2022
Invited reviewer of Chapter 6: Stratospheric aerosol injection and its potential effect on the stratospheric ozone layer” in 2022 Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion
United Nations’ World Meteorological Organization's (WMO) Prestigious Norbert Gerbier MUMM International Award for 2014 for the research paper entitled “Climate response to changes to atmospheric carbon dioxide and solar irradiance on the time scale of days to weeks” . This paper was published 2012 in the Environmental Research Letters, Volume 7. Shared the award with research collaborators Profs. Long Cao of China (Zhejiang University) and Ken Caldeira of Stanford University, USA.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Lead Author for the chapter “Future global climate: scenario-based projections and near-term information” in Working Group 1 (WG1) Assessment Report 6 (AR6) Working Group 1 (WG1) Assessment Report 6 (AR6) [Published in August 2021]
Contributing author in Chapter 5 “Global carbon and other biogeochemical cycles and Feedbacks” and in Chapter 7 “The Earth’s Energy budget, climate feedbacks and climate sensitivity” in Working Group 1 (WG1) Assessment Report 6 (AR6) [Published in August 2021]
IPCC Lead Author for the “Carbon and other Biogeochemical cycles” chapter in IPCC WG1 AR5 report (2013)
Contributing author for Chapter 7 on “Clouds and Aerosols” in IPCC WG1 AR5 report (2013)
Review Editor, “Chapter 4: Observations and modeling of GHG concentrations and fluxes over India” in National Climate Change Report by the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune, 2019
Reviewer for the “10 New Insights in"Climate Science 2019” report by Future Earth in 2019 for COP25.
Scopus Young Scientist Award in Earth Sciences 2008
National Coordinator, Environmental Science and Climate Change Theme, IMPRINT India , Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India, 2015-2018
External expert member in promotion committees at ISRO (Scientist F=>G)
McGill-CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency) Fellowship, 1990-1994.