Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (CAOS)

Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore

080- 22932505


Faculty Profile

List of Publications

  1. Subham Rath, P.N.Vinayachandran , Ambica Behara and Neema CP (2019),"Dynamics of summer monsoon current around Sri Lanka", Ocean Dynamics.
  2. Behara, A, P.N.Vinayachandran , and Shankar D (2019),"Influence of rainfall over eastern Arabian Sea on its salinity", Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans , 124.
  3. Ambica Behara and P.N.Vinayachandran (2016),"An OGCM study of the impact of rain and river water forcing on the Bay of Bengal", Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans , Vol.121.
  4. Jenson V George, P.N.Vinayachandran , V.Vijith, V.Thushara, Anoop A. Nayak, Shrikant M. Pargaonkar, P.Amol, K.Vijaykumar and Addrian J.Mathews (2019), "Mechanisms of Barrier Layer Formation and Erosion from In Situ Observations in the Bay of Bengal", Journal of Physical Oceanography, Volume 49.
  5. P.Amol, P.N.Vinayachandran , D.Shankar, V.Thushara, V.Vijith, Abhisek Chatterjee and A.Kankonkar (2019), "Effect of freshwater advection and winds on the vertical structure of chlorophyll in the northern Bay of Bengal" Deep Sea Research Part II- Topical studies in Oceanography.

  6. P.N.Vinayachandran Umasankar Das, D.Shankar, S.Jahfer, Ambica Behara, T.M.Balakrishnan Nair and G.S.Bhat (2019), "Maintenance of Southern Bay of Bengal cold pool" Part II- Topical studies in Oceanography.

  7. Alejandra Sanchez-Franks , Brian King , Benjamin Webber, Adrian Matthews , Peter Sheehan , Ambica Behara , Cp Neema , Aswathi Das , and P N Vinayachandran (2019),"The railroad switch effect of seasonally reversing currents on the Bay of Bengal High Salinity Core" ,Geophysical Research Abstracts , Vol. 21.
  8. Mahajan, AS and Tinel, L and Sarkar, A and Chance, R and Carpenter, LJ and Hulswar, S and Mali, P and Prakash, S and P N Vinayachandran (2019) "Understanding Iodine Chemistry Over the Northern and Equatorial Indian Ocean" ,Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, Vol 124 (14). pp. 8104-8118.
  9. R.Jyothibabu, N.Arun Pandi, L. Jagadeesan, C.Kannan, K.R.Lallu and P N Vinayachandran (2019)"Response of phytoplankton to heavy cloud cover and turbidity in the northern Bay of Bengal", Scientific reports ,Article number:11282.
  10. Sanchez-Franks, Alejandra Kent, Elizabeth Matthews, Adrian J. Webber, Benjamin G. M. Peatman, Simon C P N Vinayachandran (2018), "Intraseasonal variability of air-sea fluxes over the Bay of Bengal during the Southwest Monsoon" ,Journal of Climate Vol 31 (17). pp 7087-7109.
  11. Benjamin G. M. Webber, Adrian J. Matthews, P N Vinayachandran  ,C. P. Neema, Alejandra Sanchez-Franks, V. Vijith, P. Amol, and Dariusz B. Baranowski (2018), "The Dynamics of the Southwest Monsoon Current in 2016 from High-Resolution In Situ Observations and Models" ,Journal of Physical Oceanography,Vol.48 (10)
  12. P N Vinayachandran ,Adrian J Matthews, K Vijay Kumar, Alejandra Sanchez-Franks, V Thushara, Jenson George, V Vijith, Benjamin GM Webber, Bastien Y Queste, Rajdeep Roy, Amit Sarkar, Dariusz B Baranowski, GS Bhat, Nicholas P Klingaman, Simon C Peatman, C Parida, Karen J Heywood, Robert Hall, Brian King, Elizabeth C Kent, Anoop A Nayak, CP Neema, P Amol, A Lotliker, A Kankonkar, DG Gracias, S Vernekar, AC D. Souza, G Valluvan, Shrikant M Pargaonkar, K Dinesh, Jack Giddings, Manoj Joshi, (2018) "BoBBLE (Bay of Bengal Boundary Layer Experiment): Ocean–atmosphere interaction and its impact on the South Asian monsoon", Bulletin of American Meteorological Society.
  13. Patrick Martin, Federico M Lauro, Amit Sarkar, Nathalie Goodkin, Satya Prakash, P N Vinayachandran, (2018) "Particulate polyphosphate and alkaline phosphatase activity across a latitudinal transect in the tropical Indian Ocean" , Limnology and Oceanography.
  14. D. Wall-Palmer, Brett Metcalfe, Melanie J Leng, Hilary J Sloane, Gerald Ganssen, P N Vinayachandran and Christopher W Smart, (2018), " Vertical distribution and diurnal migration of atlantid heteropods", Marine Ecology Progress Series.
  15. Chatterjee A, D. Shankar, J. P. McCreary, P N Vinayachandran , and A. Mukherjee (2017), "Dynamics of Andaman Sea circulation and its role in connecting the equatorial Indian Ocean to the Bay of Bengal " , Journal of Geophysical Research : OceansVolume 122.
  16. A. Mukherjee, D. Shankar, A. Chatterjee and P N Vinayachandran (2017),"Numerical simulation of the observed near‐surface East India Coastal Current on the continental shelf", Climate Dynamics.
  17. S. Jahfer, P N Vinayachandran and Ravi S. Nanjundiah (2017) , "Long-term impact of Amazon river runoff on northern hemispheric climate", Nature Sci. Rep.
  18. A. Kashyap, Sathish S Vadhiyar, Ravi S Nanjundiah and P N Vinayachandran (2017)"Asynchronous and Synchronous Models of Executions R Xeon Phi TM Coprocessor Systems for High on Intel Performance of Long Wave Radiation Calculations in Atmosphere models", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
  19. A. Behara and P N Vinayachandran (2016),"An OGCM study of the impact of rain and river water forcing on the Bay of Bengal" Journal of Geephysical Research
  20. V. Jain, D. Shankar, P N Vinayachandran ,A. Kankonkar , Abhisek Chatterjee , P. Amol, A. M. Almeida , G. S. Michael, Mukherjee , Meenakshi Chatterjee, R. Fernandes , R. Luis, Amol Kamble , A. K. Hegde, Siddhartha Chatterjee, Umasankar Das and C. P. Neema (2016)"Evidence for the existence of Persian Gulf Water and Red Sea Water in the Bay of Bengal", Climate Dynamics
  21. V. Vijith, P N Vinayachandran V. Thushara, P. Amol, D. Shankar and A. C. Anil, (2016), "Consequences of inhibition of mixed-layer deepening by the West India Coastal Current for winter phytoplankton bloom in the northeastern Arabian Sea" Journal of Geephysical Research
  22. Thushara V. and P N Vinayachandran, (2016), "Formation of summer phytoplankton bloom in the northwestern Bay of Bengal in a coupled physical-ecosystem model", Journal of Geephysical Research

  23. P N Vinayachandran, S, Jahfer and R. S. Nanjundiah, (2015), "Impact of river runoff into the ocean on Indian Summer Monsoon", Environmental Research Letters
  24. D. Shankar, R. Remya , P N Vinayachandran, Abhisek Chatterjee and Ambica Behera, (2016) "Inhibition of mixed‐layer deepening during winter in the northeastern Arabian Sea by the West India Coastal Current", Climate Dynamics
  25. Umasankar Das, P N Vinayachandran and Ambica Behara, (2015), "Formation of the southern Bay of Bengal cold pool", Climate Dynamics.
  26. R. Jyothibabu, P N Vinayachandran , N.V.Madhu, R.S. Robin, C. Karnan , L. Jagadeesan and A. Anjusha (2015), "Phytoplankton size structure in the southern Bay of Bengal modified by the Summer Monsoon Current and associated eddies: Implications on the vertical biogenic flux", ,J. Marine Systems ,143 (2015) 98–119.
  27. Thushara V. and P N Vinayachandran ,(2014) "Impact on diurnal forcing on intraseasonal sea surface oscillations in the Bay of Bengal" ,Journal of Geephysical Research, Vol.119
  28. Md. Nurujjaman, A, Apte and P N Vinayachandran ,(2013) "Data assimilation using Ensember Kalman Filter (ETKF) in ROMS model for Indian Ocean" ,The European Physical Journal Special Topics, Vol.222, 3-4, 875-883.
  29. P N Vinayachandran D. Shankar, S. Vernekar, K. Sandeep, A. Prakash, C. P. Neema and S. Chatterjee, (2013) "A summer monsoon pump to keep the Bay of Bengal salty" ,Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 40.
  30. Chatterjee A, D. Shankar, P N Vinayachandran and J. P. McCreary, (2013) "Yanai waves in the western equatorial Indian Ocean", Journal of Geephysical Research Oceans, Vol 118.
  31. McCreary J. P., Z. Yu, R. R. Hood, P N Vinayachandran ,R. Furue, A. Ishida and K. Richards, (2013) "Dynamics of Indian Ocean oxygen minimum zones", Progress in Oceanography, vol. 112-113, pg 15-37.
  32. Aparna, S. G., J. P. McCreary, D. Shankar, and P N Vinayachandran (2012) "Signatures of Indian Ocean Dipole and El Niño–Southern Oscillation events in sea level variations in the Bay of Bengal" ,Journal of Geephysical Research, Vol. 117.
  33. Francis, P. A., P N Vinayachandran and S. S. C. Shenoi, (2013) "Indian Ocean Forecast System", Current Science,Vol. 104, NO. 10.
  34. P N Vinayachandran , C. P. Neema, S. Mathew, and R. Remya, (2012) " Mechanisms of summer intraseasonal sea surface temperature oscillations in the Bay of Bengal,", Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 117.
  35. Lee S. S. P N Vinayachandran K-J Ha, and J-G Jhun, (2010) "Shift of peak in summer monsoon rainfall over Korea and its association with El Nino-Southern Oscillation", Journal of Geophysical Research ,Vol. 115.
  36. P N Vinayachandran and R. S. Nanjundiah, (2009)"Indian Ocean sea surface salinity variations in a coupled model, Climate Dynamics",Climate Dynamics.
  37. P N Vinayachandran and N. H. Saji, (2008)"Mechanisms of south Indian Ocean intraseasonal cooling", Geophysical Research LettersVol. 35.
  38. Ha K-J, S-S Lee, P N Vinayachandran and J-G Jhun, (2008)"Changma and shifting peak in summer rainfall of Korea: ENSO influence", Advance Geosciences: Atmospheric Science,Vol. 16, 35-46.
  39. Tangang F. T., L. Juneng, E. Salimun, P N Vinayachandran , Y. K. Seng, C, Reason, S. Behera and T. Yasunari, (2008) ,"n the roles of northeast cold surge, the Borneo vortex, the MJO and the Indian Ocean dipole during the worst 2006/2007 flood in southern Peninsular Malaysia", Geophysical Research Letters.
  40. Al Safani M., S. S. C. Shenoi, D. Shankar, M. Aparna, J. Kurian, F. Durand and P N Vinayachandran ,(2007), "Westward propagating eddies in the Gulf of Aden", Journal of Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 112
  41. P N Vinayachandran , J. Kurian and C. P. Neema, (2007),"Indian Ocean response to anomalous conditions during 2006", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol 34.
  42. P N Vinayachandran and J. Kurian, (2007), "Hydrographic observations and model simulations of the Bay of Bengal freshwater plume,",Deep Sea Research I , Vol 54.
  43. P N Vinayachandran , D. Shankar, J. Kurian, F. Durand and S. S. C. Shenoi, (2007),"Arabian Sea mini warm pool and the monsoon onset vortex,", Current Science93(2), 203- 214.
  44. Kurian. J and P N Vinayachandran ,(2007), "Mechanisms of formation of Arabian Sea mini warm pool in a high resolution OGCM", Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol.112.

  45. Francis P. A., S. Gadgil and P N Vinayachandran , (2007),"Triggering of positive dipole by severe cyclones over the Bay of Bengal", Current Science,Vol. 59, 461-475.
  46. Kurian J. and P N Vinayachandran ,(2006), "Formation mechanisms of temperature inversions in the southeastern Arabian Sea", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol.33.
  47. Janakiraman S., R. S. Nanjundiah and P N Vinayachandran ,(2005), "Simulations of the Indian summer monsoon with a coupled ocean-atmosphere model on PARAM Padma",Current Science, 89(9), 1555-1562.
  48. P N Vinayachandran , J. P. McCreary, R. R. Hood and K. Kohler, (2005),"A numerical investigation of the phytoplankton bloom in the Bay of Bengal during northeast monsoon", Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 110.
  49. P N Vinayachandran T. Kagimoto, Y. Masumoto, P. Chauhan, S. R. Nayak and T. Yamagata,(2005),"Bifurcation of the East India Coastal Current east of Sri Lanka,", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol 32
  50. Shankar D., S. S. C. Shenoi, R. K. Nayak, P N Vinayachandran , G. Nampoothiri, A. M. Almeida, G. S. Michael, M. R. R. Kumar, D. Sundar and O. P. Sreejith, (2005), "Hydrography of the eastern Arabian Sea during summer monsoon 2002",, Journal of Earth System Science, Vol. 114 (5), 459-474.
  51. Ravichandran M., P N Vinayachandran , S. Joseph and K. Radhakrishnan,(2004), "Results from the first Argo float deployed by India", Current Sci.,Vol. 86(5), 651-659.

  52. P N Vinayachandran ,(2004), " Summer cooling of the Arabian Sea during contrasting monsoons",Geophysical Research Letters Vol 31.
  53. P N Vinayachandran ,P. Chauhan, M. Mohan and S. Nayak, (2004), "Biological response of the sea around Sri Lanka to summer monsoon",Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 31
  54. Gadgil S., P N Vinayachandran , P. A. Francis and S. Gadgil, (2004), "Extremes of Indian Monsoon rainfall, ENSO and equatorial Indian Ocean Oscillation,",Geophysical Research Letters, Vol 31.
  55. P N Vinayachandran and S. Mathew, (2003), "Phytoplankton bloom in the Bay of Bengal during northeast monsoon and its intensification by cyclones,",Geophysical Research Letters Vol. 30 (11).
  56. Gadgil S., P N Vinayachandran and P. A. Francis, (2003) ,"Droughts of Indian summer monsoon: Role of clouds over the Indian Ocean", Current Sci., Vol. 85, 1713-1719
  57. P N Vinayachandran and T. Yamagata, (2003), " Comment on "Indian Ocean: Validation of the MICOM and ENSO events during 1958-1998 by Haugen et al.",Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 108.
  58. P N Vinayachandran , V. S. N. Murty and V. Ramesh Babu, (2002), "Observations of barrier layer formation in the Bay of Bengal during summer monsoon", Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 107 (C12)
  59. P N Vinayachandran , S. Iizuka and T. Yamagata, (2002), "Indian Ocean dipole mode event in an ocean general circulation model",Deep Sea Res. II. 49, 1573-1596.
  60. Shankar D, P N Vinayachandran and A.S. Unnikrishnan, (2002), "The monsoon currents in the north Indian Ocean",Progress in Oceanography ,, Vol. 52 (1), 63-120.
  61. Bhat, G. S., S. Gadgil, P. V. Harish Kumar, S. R. Kalsi, P. Madhusoodanan, V. S. N. Murty, C. V. K. Prasada Rao, V. Ramesh Babu, L. V. G Rao, R. R. Rao, M. Ravichandran, K. G. Reddy, P. Sanjeeva Rao, D. Sengupta, D. R. Sikka, J. Swain, and P N Vinayachandran , (2001) "BOBMEX the Bay of Bengal monsoon experiment", Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society Vol. 82 (12), 2217-2243.
  62. Saji N. H., B. N. Goswami, P N Vinayachandran and T. Yamagata, (1999) "A dipole mode in the tropical Indian Ocean",Nature , Vol. 401, 360-363.
  63. P N Vinayachandran ,N. H. Saji and T. Yamagata, (1999), "Response of the equatorial Indian Ocean to an unusual wind event during 1994",Geophysical Research Letter 26(11), 1613-1617.
  64. P N Vinayachandran ,Y. Masumoto, T. Mikawa and T. Yamagata,(1999),"Intrusion of the southwest monsoon current into the Bay of Bengal", Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 104 (C5), 11077-11085.
  65. P N Vinayachandran and T. Yamagata, (1998) " Monsoon response of the sea around Sri Lanka: Generation of thermal domes and anticyclonic vortices", Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 28,1946-1960.
  66. P N Vinayachandran , S. R. Shetye, D. Sengupta and S. Gadgil, (1996) "Forcing mechanisms of the Bay of Bengal circulation", Current Science, Vol. 71, 753-763.
  67. Shetye S. R., A. D. Gouveia, D. Shankar, S. S. C. Shenoi, P N Vinayachandran , D. Sundar, G. S. Michael and G. Nampoothiri, (1996), "Hydrography and circulation in the western Bay of Bengal during the northeast monsoon", Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 101 (C6), 14011-14025.
  68. P N Vinayachandran and S. R. Shetye, (1991), "The warm pool in the Indian Ocean,"Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Earth and Planetary Sciences , Vol.100, 165-175.

  69. P N Vinayachandran and M. R. Ramesh Kumar,(1990) ,"Water vapour flux divergence over the Arabian Sea during 1987 summer monsoon using satellite data", Boundary Layer Meteorology , Vol 51, 199-209.
  70. P N Vinayachandran , Y. Sadhuram and V. Ramesh Babu, (1989),"Latent and sensible heat fluxes under the active and weak phases of the summer monsoon of 1986",Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Earth and Planetary Sciences , Vol. 98(2), 213-222.