Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (CAOS)

Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore

080- 22932505


Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Growing from a centre focused on the Indian monsoon, research at CAOS now spans the entire realm of atmosphere, ocean & climate science. CAOS is one of the few centres in the world, most certainly in India, where these problems are tackled using a combination of observational, experimental, numerical modeling, data analysis and theoretical techniques.

CAOS offers a vibrant academic environment for higher education at masters and Ph. D. levels. Two degree programmes are being offered: M. Tech. in Earth & Climate Science and Ph.D. CAOS is committed to provide the students with a stimulating and rewarding learning experience.

World-wide efforts over the past few decades, including those at CAOS, have revealed the details and complexities of the atmosphere, ocean and climate system. For example, local phenomena such as the Indian monsoon with its intrinsic hierarchy of space-time scales are now known to be influenced by remote sources, and are also evolving in a changing climate. Our vision for the next decade is ambitious. We believe that it is an exciting time in our field of science with the opportunity to bring things together and address grand challenges. In CAOS, focusing on the tropical climate, we hope to build a coherent framework that accounts for both local details and global teleconnections.