Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (CAOS)

Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore

080- 22932505


Research at CAOS

It revolves around the tropical climate. In addition to the theme of understanding the monsoon and its variability, current faculty interests span a wide range of topics in the realm of atmosphere-ocean-climate sciences. These include : aerosol measurements and impacts, atmosphere-ocean-coupled general circulation and climate modeling, cloud physics, geophysical fluid dynamics, paleoclimate studies, physical-chemical-biological oceanography of the Indian Ocean, radiative transfer, satellite meteorology, space-time structure and scaling in geophysical fields, and tropical convection. The techniques employed in this research comprise of field work for data collection, laboratory experiments, numerical modeling and theoretical analysis. We are also involved in the continuous measurement of weather variables using the state of the art instruments both outside, and within the campus.

A list of research topics is provided below :

Research Highlights

1. Northward Propagation of the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation
2. Boundary layer dynamics of abrupt seasonal monsoon transitions
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